Monday, June 30, 2014

9 Truths about Breastfeeding

There are a few things I wish I would have known about before I embarked on this crazy breastfeeding journey. I am proud and a little dumbfounded at the fact that we have made it this long. I remember at 6 weeks thinking I wasn't going to make it to 2 months, but here we are, at almost a year of exclusively breastfeeding. Holy cow, or Holy mom for that matter.

One could say I should have maybe read a book, then a lot of my questions would have been answered, but regardless, if you want to know some of the things I wish I would have known, please continue to read! I would love to live in a world where breastfeeding is not some strange act of savages and where we could stop thinking of breasts for their secondary purposes and instead get used to the fact that they were intended to feed our babies. They are amazing and do amazing things, it can just start off a little rocky, but don't worry you can do it!

1. Breastfeeding is f*ing hard.

I remember thinking about breastfeeding as some weird taboo thing where a lady just throws out her boob, not caring about who sees it and feeds her baby. No rhyme or reason, just whenever. I also thought it is as simple as here's my boob. I also thought, I will never breastfeed when my baby has teeth, we will just stop. Hahahahahaha. How naive I was and judgmental for that matter. It is not that easy, it takes a ton of work and practice and requires patience, I personally never thought I had. It also requires serious support from the people around you. It hurts, makes you feel like a crazy lady, and requires time, so much freaking time. But honestly, once you make it to 8 weeks, it gets so much better. And easier. And almost peaceful because at that moment, there is literally no where else on the planet you belong, except there feeding your baby. I wrote this post about it. I would tell myself, just make it one more month, on bad days just one more day, and on the worst of days, let's get through this one feeding. Use your resources and internet, that is what saved me. My husband, my family, and the internet. It was so nice knowing I was not the only one going through what I was feeling at that time. I also got a lactation consultant to come to my house and that helped so much as well. I would send her email after email about the problems I was having and she always responded quickly and reassured me. But yeah, its f*ing hard. But stick with it!

2. Mastitis.

Less than a week we were home from the hospital, I started feeling bad. Tired. Achy. Extremely moody. I thought it was the norm of having a new baby and my body trying to get back together again, like Humpty Dumpty. I was wrong. My nipples were cracked, raw, and ever so painful. My boobs were hard, engorged, red, and the right one was about to need its own postal code. I was trying to sleep and decided to take my temperature because I kept getting the chills, 103 degrees. Shit. I immediately started crying, honestly I think it was out of relief because there was no way this was how someone normally feels after having a baby. I called my OB and was able to get in that day and she said I had mastitis. What. In. The. Hell. Was. Mastitis? I didn't even know that was a thing. But indeed, it was and it is. If I can help one person avoid this terrible infection, I will be happy. So this is what to look for once your milk finally comes in. I knew the moment mine did and I wish I had known what to look for and what is not normal. Here it goes, another list :)

I am by no means a certified lactation consultant, or a doctor, or a nurse. This advice is from my own personal experience. Talk to your doctor about taking anything while nursing. When in doubt, call your OB!

a. Watch out for engorged breasts. Of course there is going to be a little, but once you notice it either breastfeed or take warm shower and express milk until it goes away. Or at least until it doesn't feel like someone punched you. Hot Warm showers were my best friend for months.
b. If one breast is noticeably bigger than the other. That might be the side that will need attention. Also, if that more engorged breast is red and warm to the touch, you've got a problem. 
c. You start feeling a little run down. Of course, that is a common feeling after having a baby, but you will feel just completely wiped out. If you feel this way check both boobies.
d. Know where you milk ducts are. This is a little weird but if you get familiar with where your milk ducts are on your nipples, you will have a better idea as to which one is blocked. I have about 3 on each side that are pretty obvious, you find this out by, well squeezing slightly, wherever milk comes out is where your duct is. I had problems with my right side and one duct in particular, it took months for me to figure that out. Another case of know your body.
e. Once you figure out which duct is clogged, you have all of the above symptoms, and no milk is coming out where it used to be you can start trying to fix it before it gets infected and turns into mastitis. 
f. I had a little white, sand like, blockage in my milk duct. In a warm shower, I was inspecting and noticed the white spot, with the tip of my finger nail, I gently put pressure on my boob and flicked the white sand blockage, it flew out and immediately milk started pouring out of the duct. It was crazy. I got out of the shower and pumped until my breast was empty. You can also breastfeed.
g. If no white dot is present, the it might be blocked somewhere deep in the abyss. Once again, take a warm shower and look and see what is going on. Gently message your breast in circle motions, if that doesn't release it, it never did for me, as soon as you get out of the shower have your baby ready. Lay her down on the bed and breastfeed upside down. Weird, I know, but affective! 
h. If upside down acrobat breastfeeding doesn't clear the clog, try warm epson salt water and place your breast in there for 10 minutes.
i. As a final measure, if nothing else has worked. Cabbage. Yep, cabbage. I always had a head of cabbage on standby. I would tear a piece off, wash it, and place it in my bra. After a while, check it and it will be wilted and wet. Crazy. I would do this until the block seemed to be gone. I never had an issue with the cabbage lowering my supply.
j. If you have all of the symptoms and develop a fever, it is time to go see the doctor. Blah.
k. Per my lactation consultant's advice, I took a daily supplement of lethicin to reduce the number of blocks that I had. It seemed to work really well. After about 4 months, I stopped taking it, my milk decided to stop giving me trouble and we have been good ever since.

3. You will have the appetite of 16 vikings.

Holy shit. I can't even begin to tell you how much I have eaten this past year. I was not ready for this type of appetite, at all. My husband has also finally gotten used to getting out eaten at the dinner table. I was unfortunately not one of those pregnant ladies who loved food. For the first 3 months, nothing tasted good. I would literally cry as I was eating because the food was so gross. That went away, slightly. The only craving I had was milk and the only thing I could eat a lot of was salad and cantaloupe. I guess that technically is not a bad thing, but I was excited to love food being pregnant. Skip to 1 week after I had Delilah and my milk came in. Food was delicious! And I craved everything. I wanted apple pie, potatoes, steak, mmmmm steak, chocolate shakes, italian subs. So many sandwiches! Luckily, I was able to eat my way to my pre-pregnant weight and even lost a few after that. I owe everything to breastfeeding. I burned those calories like nobody's business. I did have to get used to eating so much, I act like this is a bad thing! I now love eating breakfast and make sure we always have a dessert at dinner ;)

5. Weaning. I feel like this is never going to stop and we will be breastfeeding

I am at a point now where I am really ready to be done with breastfeeding. Like I mentioned before, I thought it would be as easy as snapping my fingers and we would be done. Not. The. Case. I thought for a week that she was getting tired of it, apparently not and she was going through a "nursing strike". Once again, information that would have been useful to know. She is now back to nursing quite a bit, since that is how I put her to sleep. There are some days I want to scream and yell "stop it" and there are some days where it is the most relaxing thing we do all day. A balance of sorts. I have tried formula, milk, chocolate milk. Mixed in my pumped breastmilk. You name it, I have tried it. And nothing works, she wants me. I should not be complaining since I will look back and wish I had more time with her, but for right now I am definitely ready for her to wean. I have however, prepared myself for another 6 months of breastfeeding, if that is what Delilah wants. I am sure this independent baby will let me know when she is done. ;) On a side note and listen up, if you want to exclusively breastfeed, get ready, because there is no going back. I have talked to a lot of moms whose babies won't drink formula or anything from a bottle for that matter. I wish I would have given her a bottle of formula or pumped breastmilk at night, that way she would have developed the taste for it and gotten used to having someone else put her to sleep. I will definitely do that for baby #2. Silver lining: my little 11 month old can drink from a sippy cup like a champ! She loves the cups with straws and loves water!

This should be considered another truth, but the reason I was so against bottle feeding is because I did not want to disrupt the natural balance of supply and demand. Looking back, I was a little crazy about it and giving her one bottle would not have ruined anything. But I was determined to breastfeed and I didn't want one bottle to turn into four a day. The complicated dance of feeding your baby is as simple as this, the more your baby nurses and eats, the more milk your breasts make. The opposite is true, the less milk your baby drinks, the less your breasts make. I am in awe how my body has kept up with Delilah's erratic eating schedule, it truly is amazing.

I have had a couple of, well negative, thoughts about the fact that I am the only one who can feed Delilah. I wish it wasn't the case, but it is the truth. I would sometimes get mad at my husband when I would get up for the 5th time in the middle of the night to feed Delilah. He felt helpless and I was not helping the matter. The point I am trying to make is, enjoy the time with your baby, the time where she wants you to hold her and rock with her. When she wants to be close with you. I know there is going to be a day, hello teenage girl, when Delilah wants nothing to do with me and I will most likely cry about how I wish I would have enjoyed and savored the time I had with her. Your partner can do a lot of other things while you are breastfeeding, clean the dishes, get the baby when they wake up, play while you are taking a shower, go out and get the butterfinger blizzard you have been craving. Lots of things. There are also going to be times where your partner id going to bond with the baby as well, I know Byron was worried about that, but Delilah loves her daddy, there is no denying that. I have had to slow down like I never have before, but I am ok with that now and I am ok with being the one who feeds and comforts Delilah. 

6. Say goodbye to your perky boobs. Say hello to a good bra.

This is a sad one. It really is so hard to say goodbye. I never knew how perky my boobs were than before I got pregnant. And now, a year of nursing later, they will never be the same. I am not completely heartbroken about it. These saggy things have fed, nourished, and comforted my baby for her first year of life. Selfishly, when we take her to her checkups, I silently celebrate the fact that I have been the one to put the weight on my baby. It really is fulfilling, however I wish it didn't cause such havoc on my body, in particular my boobs. My husband always told me to go get a new bra, but being the good martyr that I am, I always persisted that we needed to spend that money elsewhere. My mom looked at me one day and said, "That's it, we are getting you a bra." I was at the time alternating between 2, no wire, jersey material bras. Yes, they were hanging low and I could throw them to and fro. They were comfortable, and I wanted to stay away from the underwire because of the problems I was having with the clogged ducts. But what a difference. I propose something to all of you new, breastfeeding, non breastfeeding, mommas out there. Instead of spending that extra money on a new baby toy, that super cute baby outfit, or fresh socks for your husband, take that money and go to a fancy bra store, sorry Vicky but this is a secret you can't handle, and get fitted and lift those girls up! You, in return, will have your spirits lifted as well and I promise your baby won't miss that new stainless steel cup this month ;)
I am a proud owner of the sexiest, milk stained, lacy nursing bra out there.

7. A good latch on is the most important thing. For real.

Looking back, I can say that a bad latch was most likely what caused a lot of our problems. I was lazy and nursed her laying down so I wouldn't have to get up, I don't know how you mommas that get up for bottles do it. Hats off to you! Also, when Delilah was born, the nurses noticed she had a "heart shaped tongue" and after meeting with our lactation consultant she said Delilah was definitely "tongue tied". We decided to take her to a children's ENT and did the quick frenulumectomy procedure. The doctor basically nipped the bottom part of Delilah's tongue to release it. I debated whether or not to do it, but it took 5 minutes and after they brought her back in the room I nursed her and she was good. A couple days of tylenol and TLC my little baby could stick out her tongue! After the procedure, breastfeeding became a lot easier for both Delilah and myself. However, like I mentioned before, due to some laziness on my side, we have had a couple bouts with latch related problems. Blisters and now that she has teeth, scratching issues. All of which were worked out as soon as I made sure to get a good latch.

8. You can have a drink while you are breastfeeding.

You can and you should! I am not promoting taking 5 shots of whiskey and drinking a bottle of wine. I am however, saying a glass of wine won't hurt anything. I have even read that sometimes having a beer will help with supply issues. I remember once I was waiting tables and a new momma was breastfeeding her baby, I was so freaked out about the fact that she ordered a margarita. I really didn't even want to serve it to her, silly me. I should have offered to pay for it ;) I now know what a glass of wine will do for the soul, especially a tired, stressed, sore, new momma soul. As a rule of thumb, if I have more than one drink, of course after the baby is asleep, or is being watched, I will do the ol pump n dump. Have you ever been so sad to watch something as good as gold go down the sink? Well, I guess it is not as good a gold, it has been tainted with alcohol, that probably saved your sanity for the day, but you catch my drift! Cheers, relax, and kick up your feet for 7 minutes, you deserve it!

9. Accessories you will want around the house in the beginning. It will save your loving partner multiple trips to the store, asking "What? A nipple shield? Where is that?"

My husband has been a super hero in the breastfeeding department. He has been so supportive and stuck around on my worst of days, those fueled by hormones and not knowing what the hell Im doing 97% of the time. He made countless trips to all of the baby stores around Austin. Maybe this list will help your partner and save a few bucks on gas, for that aforementioned glorious bra!

a. Lanolin - have it ready to go. 
b. Triple Nipple Ointment - this is a prescription, compound cream that saved my life. Maybe I am being dramatic, but seriously, ask your OB for a prescription and have it by the lanolin. It is amazing and I am still finding uses for it a year later.
c. Breast Pads - it is inevitable, your boobs are going to leak, a lot. Mine did for a good 4 months until everything regulated, I always had these in my bag and an extra shirt just in case.
d. Breast Shield - when I was about to give up breastfeeding, due to the amount of torture my nipples were enduring, my mom mentioned the nipple shield. My husband ran out to go get some,  he bought two when really we only needed one. It provided the relief needed to keep trucking on, they are a little weird to use, but at this point your boobs are not the fun, happy parts of the body they once were, they are now feeding machines that need a second to heal. The shields will help.
e. Cold Pads - oh what sweet relief these are. They are little sticky pads that you put in the fridge and when you feel like your nipples are about to burn up, put these on and you will feel better. Have these ready to go.
f. Bebe au Lait - or any nursing cover for that matter - I am all about freeing the boob, but after you have had your baby and your belly is a little softer than usual, your boobs feel like, well hell, and you are working on such little sleep you may just hit the next person who talks about how much their baby sleeps or how easy breastfeeding is, the last thing you want, or I wanted, was some weird look because I was breastfeeding my baby. I was also a little awkward with getting Delilah latched on and I didn't want anyone to see Delilah fishing around for my nipple. I used this when we were shopping and at restaurants mostly, I never knew when she would want to nurse, but I knew it would happen and I was ready. I am happy to say we are old pros and I can nurse without any cover, this just helped in the beginning, the first couple weeks or so.
g. Snacks & Snacks & more Snacks - see #3 - I had tons of fruits and nuts laying around, also had some in a container for on the go fuel. Oatmeal Muffins were a staple as well. I had some serious cravings and went with those ;)
h. Cute Water Bottle - it is so important to drink a lot of water when you breastfeed, it makes it a lot easier when you have something cute and fun to drink out of! This was my favorite!
i. Nursing Bra - see #6 
j. Heating Pad - it doesn't have to be fancy, it just needs to get warm. It will feel so good to relax with one of these over your chest, especially when you have some engorgement going on.
k. Massage Book - this one is important, because you are going to be sore the first few weeks, I know I was. For whoever is going to be lucky enough to message your shoulders and back, knowing how is a must. If that special person starts giving you a hard time, ask them to hold an 8 pound kettle ball in their arms, while looking down, for 45 minutes. They should lay off a bit ;) Those muscles are going to have to get used to holding that baby! This one should do just fine.

I hope this helps! Breastfeeding is one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. Just remember you are doing great and are not alone. Hooray for boobies!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Food for your Itty Bitty: Balsamic Chicken with Butter Pasta and Asparagus

I was talking with a friend about making dinners that are geared towards babies. I want Delilah to be exposed to flavors, textures, and all foods, not just "baby" foods. Now that she is only eating "real" food, I have modified my cooking. I make things a little softer, cook it longer, stay away from spicy (which is a tough one for me), and I always try to include a carb, a veggie, and a protein. I still season everything quite a bit, she loves Herbs de Provence and garlic. :) She always gets some sort of dessert too, whether is is fruit or her favorite ice cream sandwich. 

Anyways, my friend asked me if I look online for recipes and that she never knows what to make. I definitely have my inspiration sources, but for the most part, I use what my momma gave me (recipes of course) and come up with meals based on what I have in my pantry. I have also found it useful to plan out the week and shop for what I need, but if I haven't found the time to do that, we eat what we have! 

I will be happy to help with dinner ideas, just comment on what you have and I will help come up with a dinner!

Tonights menu: Balsamic Chicken with Pasta and Asparagus

I have wanted to start liking dark meat, but I am a white meat girl. I asked my husband to pick up thighs and I am glad I did. It was really good! I have to admit they look a little intimidating, but being the world's pickiest chicken eater, there wasn't a weird piece on the thigh! 

Start with boneless, skinless chicken thighs and season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and a pinch of Herbs de Provence. 

Melt a couple tablespoons of butter, everything's better with butta, and start to brown your chicken. 

Flip the chicken to brown the other side and then pour in 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar. I never, ever measure, so this is more of an estimate.

I also sprinkled a little sugar once I flipped the chicken. I would have originally used honey, but not with the baby :)

Lower the temp to med heat and put a lid on it, let it cook for 15 minutes or so. 

I wanted a thick sauce, so after 15 minutes I opened the lid, turned up the heat to med high and let the sauce thicken for another 10 minutes, or until the desired consistency.

Get some pasta water boiling... cut up your asparagus...

... and add the pasta and asparagus into the water. Cook until everything is soft enough for baby. I squeezed in a lemon while the pasta and asparagus were cooking, I didn't want it to be too overpowering for the bebe, and it was perfect.

Put them back in the pot, throw in some salt, lemon pepper, garlic powder and a few tablespoons of butter, and you've got yourself a party!

I have stopped using vegetable oil, so butter is the new black in this house!



Balsamic Chicken

Chicken Thighs/Breasts
Salt & Pepper
1/4 t Garlic & Onion Powder
1/4 t Herbs de Provence
1 t Sugar
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
2 T Butter

Season the chicken and melt the butter in a med high pan.
Brown both sides, on second side sprinkle the sugar. Add the vinegar and lower heat to med, cover and cook for 15 minutes. Take off the lid and let sauce reduce, over med high heat, until desired consistency. Done!


Spiral Pasta (Any kind will do)
1 T Lemon Pepper
1/4 t Garlic Powder
3-4 T Butter

Boil water and squeeze lemon in the water. Cut up asparagus into 1 inch pieces. 
Throw, ok not really throw, gently place everything into pot. Cook until tender.
Return everything back into pot, put butter and seasonings in and stir it up. You can sing "Stir it up" by Bob Marley if you would like. Done!

This was a hit with everyone! Enjoy!

Oh hey Friday!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Food for your Itty Bitty: Toaster Strudel

I have been running into road blocks when it comes to Delilah's breakfast. She is waffled out, tired of bananas, and not interested in me feeding her yogurt or oatmeal. She also is not a fan of eggs and I am terrible at making pancakes. They never turn out like pancakes, more like thick underdone bread circles. Mashed potatoes and pancakes, my kryptonite. 

I had bought some of those toaster strudels, remember those? With the ridiculously good frosting packets, that never had enough frosting in them. Well she really liked those! I have been reading ingredient labels lately, I am not too crazy about it, but it concerns me anytime it says "Less than 1% of...". I mean, that can't be good. So I decided I would try to make my own! I contemplated whether or not I would use pie crust or frozen puff pastry, I decided to go with the puff pastry since it would resemble the original. I also decided to use cream cheese and jam as the filling, you could make your own, but ain't nobody got time for that ;) But seriously, my favorite flavor is the apple one, so I will be trying out my own apple filling. And Delilah loves anything dairy, which is funny because when I was pregnant I went through a gallon of milk a week for months, it was gross how much milk I consumed, but it tasted so good! Anyways, she loves all things dairy, so I also want to try a cream cheese filling too. I will update as I try the other fillings, but for now, it is strawberry jam, cream cheese, and a vanilla frosting!

These turned out really good, I had to try one three ;)

The few that I used strawberry jam with ran a little bit. I am still going to try a different fruit filling, but until then I am going to only put the recipe for the cream cheese strudels.

Thaw your puff pastry overnight and lay it on a floured surface so it doesn't stick. Then dance.

Mix your cream cheese and sugar, yum yum yum.

I used a pizza cutter to slice up the pastry, made it super easy. Decide how big or small you want your strudel and slice it up. Make sure they are the same sizes and you have an even number.

Put some cream cheese mixture on one side and then slap the other side on top.

Use a fork and seal the pastry together.


Once you finish and all of your pastry is on the baking sheet, put in an oven until they are golden brown.

While they cook, whip up your frosting and wait...


Put on a cooling rack and wait again.

They're cool, time to drizzle some icing!

This was after I ate a few.

Toaster Strudel

1 Package of Puff Pastry, thawed
1/2 cup Cream Cheese, softened
1 T powder sugar

Preheat oven to 400.

Lay out puff pastry and roll just a bit to get the creases out. It is ok if they are still visible, that is what I used to measure mine out. Cut along the long lines of the puff pastry with a pizza cutter. Then cut horizontal lines to whichever size you would like. I was able to cut out 4 pieces. 

Mix together your cream cheese and sugar. Once again, if you like yours sweeter add more sugar.

Put a tablespoon or so of the cream cheese mixture on one side of the puff pastry. Lay another piece on top, like a ravioli :) Use a fork to smoosh the sides together, lay on a greased baking sheet. You want to work fast because the puff pastry gets more difficult to work with as it warms.

Continue until all of your pieces are used up! Bake for about 20 minutes or until golden. 

Take the strudels and put on a cooling rack until cool. Drizzle on your icing and then eat it up!


3 T powder sugar
1 t Milk
1/8 t Vanilla

Mix together. You may need to add more sugar/milk depending on what consistency you would like.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Favorite Things: Thirty One Tote

To say this tote holds a lot is an understatement. I got this bag as a gift from my sister-in-law. It was something that I would never had bought myself, but is now something I can not live without. It is not a bag we use daily, but when we do use it, it is loved!

This is our go to travel bag. It holds all of Delilah's diapers, wipes, ointments, toiletries, food, eating supplies, her noise machine, tow truck, and her crib. Kidding about the last two, but seriously, it holds a lot!

For people who travel a lot, this is a must have item. If a spill or leak happens, you just wipe it away with one of the 1000 wipes it fits ;)

This tote is going to see a ton of beach, lake, and river trips in it's future!

There is an insert that fits in the holes in the straps, however I have not been able to find it online. I am sure if I new someone who sold Thirty One, I would be able to find it. Maybe. Other than having difficulty finding the accessories, this bag is a keeper.

The Thirty One Organizing Utility Tote is one of our Favorite Things!

Please note, I am not paid to review any of these items, and that everything I say is my own opinion.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Favorite Things: Book Edition

As soon as I found out I was pregnant one of the first things I thought about was, no more late night wine induced dance parties. The second thing I thought about was, lotion, must get a ton of lotion. The third thing was excitement about all of the books I knew I wanted to get. Ok, there were a few other thoughts in there but the later has really stuck. I love all of the books available for little children, I always have a running list of the thousand and one books I want to get. And I never pass up a cute book when we are out and about.  As of right now, we are staying away from wordy books, we have some, but she is not interested yet and gets a little wiggly when I read them to her. Here is a list of our One Year Favorite Books!

1. "Five Silly Monkeys" - We have probably read this book about 814 times, Delilah loves the rhythmic phrasing and dances every time we read it. The anticipation of the last page, "Nobody said anything about jumping on the couch" gets her every time. If anyone saw me reading this book to her, they would be convinced a crazy person took over, but hey, she loooooves it!

2. "Five Little Ladybugs" - This book has the same rhythmic patterns as "Five Silly Monkeys" but this is one of the books we read before bed, so I keep it mellow. It is such a sweet little story and we love how the last, lonely ladybug finds her home. Sorry for the spoiler ;)

3. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" - From day one this was a hit. I think the bold colors really grab her attention. I have gotten a little bored with the words, I sometimes have red birds and black sheep dance in my dreams, so we have started adding the animal sounds. Of course the rhythm in this book is a hit as well.

4. "Bath Time" - This is a book that stays in the bath, thanks to the plastic cover and soft pages. There is a surprise squeak at the end, that Delilah thinks is hilarious. Once again, I look like a crazy person reading this to her, but she loves it. I, no joke, read this to her 8 times last night in the bath. It never got old. Ever.

5. "123 Texas" - Living in a state with so much state pride, means Texas everything. So you better believe we have a few Texas books laying around. This book is very simple yet has vivid colors and we always count the objects on every page. Everytime. Every single object. 

6. "Toes Ears & Nose!" - This is the cutest book! It is a flip up book and we have sadly lost a few flip ups, but the story remains the same, nonetheless. She is getting interested in pointing out body parts, so this book helps with identifying all of the cute, cuddly parts!

7. "Flora and the Flamingo" - This is a beautiful book, so I don't let the destructo baby play with it like the others. Byron loves making up stories when he reads to Delilah, and this book is perfect for those two. It is a flip up book with no words, so the story is up to you!

8. "Alice in Wonderland" Little Master Carroll - Delilah loves the pictures on this book, she always points at it as we read it. A bedtime favorite!

9. "ABC Amazing Alphabet Book" - I love this book. It is so fun to read! You really can't go wrong with Dr. Seuss :)

So our favorite list ends here at 9 for right now. We have a running list like I mentioned before, and I can't wait to add these to Delilah's little library.

1. "The Hardworking Honeybee"
2. "Goodnight Austin"
3. "The Wide-Mouthed Frog"
**4."How Many Bugs in a Box" - This is a MUST have book, Delilah gets so excited when we read it. She rolls her little hands together in excitement ;)
5. "Yoga Pretzels"
6. "Flo and Wendell"
7. "The Cat at Night"

What books can your little babies not get enough of?


Food for your Itty Bitty: Fried Rice

I usually am pretty good about making my own sauces for stir fry, however I thought I would try one of those packages out and see if there was much of a difference. Well, there was. It was way too salty and it was even too spicy, which is crazy because I love spicy. For the sake of this post, I will only give the recipe for fried rice and will document my stir fry next time I make it.

I am introducing a lot of new foods and flavors to Delilah, and so far so good. I thought it would be fun to make her some fried rice and see how she did with soy sauce. She loved it! I started feeling bad because she was picking up one single grain of rice at a time and you could tell she was hungry, so I helped shovel it in her mouth for her ;)

Start by cooking up your rice. I cooked this during her first nap at 10 am. That way it was waiting for me when I was ready to start frying it up!

I completely forgot to add diced carrots this time around, not sure what happened! But I would usually dice up 1 carrot and boil it until it was tender. 

Get your oil and your pan very hot. I put it on High. Add your rice and start breaking it up and stirring it around.

Clear some space in the corner of the pan, and crack your egg in there. You better quickly scramble it up, it's a hot pan!

Stir it all together.

Add the garlic powder, onion powder, and pepper. Then add the soy sauce.

After everything is well mixed, add your carrots (which I forgot) and edamame, or whatever other veggie you want to include.



Fried Rice

1 cup rice
2 cups water

Cook rice. Let sit and cool. Set aside.

1 tablespoon oil
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1 egg
1 carrot, diced and boiled
1/2 cup edamame
1/2 onion, chopped
3-4 tablespoons soy sauce
salt and pepper

Start by heating oil over high heat. Once pan is hot, sauté onion for a few minutes. Add rice and let fry for 5 minutes. Add seasonings and push rice over making a spot for the egg. Crack the egg and start scrambling it up. Mix egg together with the rice and add soy sauce. The amount you add it up to you, I went a little easy due to the fact it was Delilah's first taste. Cook another 5 minutes, add the carrots and edamame and then you're done!

I served this with chicken and broccoli, both very lightly seasoned ;)

** You can add beef or chicken or shrimp and make a meal out of it!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Let's Make a Birthday!

I have mentioned that if I can make it, I will make it. I really don't like spending money on things that with just a little effort and time, I can do myself. Thanks to google and being a stay at home momma, I am lucky to have both on my side. I usually start with an idea and then it morphs into what actually ends up being made. I am not too good at following directions, recipes, or basically anything with a definite path. I also work with what I have, I call it being resourceful :) 

I knew that I wanted to have some sort of theme for Delilah's first birthday. I went through about 235 ideas, "Life is but a Dream", pastel rainbow, to name a couple. I finally decided on Pink and Gold. In all honesty, do you want to know how that came to be? The fact that I had leftover pink tissue paper from my baby showers that someone, not myself, had saved. There just so happened to be three different shades of pink that I could use. So, I used it! I also am a firm believer in the fact that anything with glitter is better, and I had leftover glitter from the "D" in her nursery and also glitter from previous projects. I was going to be able to do everything without have to buy a lot! Score!

On a side note, there are things that I always have lying around. Glitter, modge podge, decorative tape, puff paint, and hemp yarn. With these staples in your arsenal, there is no stopping you!

I am on Hobby Lobby's mailing list and every two weeks or so, they email me a 40% off coupon. I always use a coupon when I need to get something. I was able to get a 2 inch circle punch for under $10!

So, I totally forgot to take pictures while I was making everything. Whoops. But if you want to know how to do any of this, comment what you would like to see and I will do a redo! I have had way too much fun with the decorations! Maybe even a little overboard, ha who am I kidding, you can never have too many decorations!

My husband did the invitations and I am so happy with them! Eek!

I can't believe this girl is going to be one year old! I can't even handle the cuteness ;)

I can't wait to see how every things looks once it is up! We are having a breakfast theme since her party is so early,  so excited!