Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Date Night (Morning)

 Holy moly! We went on a date! We saw a movie, which hasn't happened in over a year. I have been in my little mother bubble for so long, it was nice to get out! 

I have only been away from Delilah for 5 hours, at most. So anytime I leave her, it always takes about 30 minutes, 2 phone calls to make sure the locks are locked, 1 more phone call to make sure the house hasn't burned down, and 1 beer until I am actually relaxed. Will leaving her ever get easier? Probably not. But, it was nice to get out! 

Is it me, or are movie theaters really loud? I kept whispering to Byron, "It is so loud!" And then an occasional, "So, is that the bad guy?" Apparently, along with not knowing the latest fashion trends, which celebrity is dating who, and not knowing what to do with myself when a meal comes and I don't have to cut it up into tiny pieces to feed the tiny person anxiously waiting to eat, I have forgotten movie theater etiquette. 

I hope everyone has a great week! We will be traveling to New York to visit my brother, nervous about flying, oh so excited about seeing my brother. I will have a post on flying with baby, don't you worry ;) Wish us luck!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Stop the Walls

The past couple of weeks have been a little interesting around here. I don't have anything to plan, crafts to make, or things to fill up our day. Delilah is getting to an age where staying in the living room causes trouble and boredom and too many extra nursing sessions. 

The walls are starting to close in on us over here.

It is not in our budget to have weekly classes or Mothers Day Out, so I have been trying to get creative. Unfortunately, we don't have any family close by and the friends that I have are so busy, it is hard to find a coordinating time between errands, work, and naps to get together. A few fails, a few wins. Here is a list of things to do, to help when you have the Stay at Home Mom Blues.

1. Go Outside! The baby loves it regardless of the weather. If it is melting hot, find shade. If it is raining, get an umbrella. If it is cold, get bundled up. Yesterday, we went to the neighborhood park when we were about to go crazy, and just being there for 15 minutes made my day better and Delilah was in a better mood. I also make it a goal to walk around the block every morning, before it is too hot. 

Water and a paintbrush! Loved it!

2. Try and get up before baby. I know this is difficult, especially when baby has woken up a number of times. But getting a head start makes the day go so much smoother. Get dressed, put on make up, do your hair, unload the dishwasher. Whatever it is, try and get it done before the baby wakes up. I have been in a rut this week, no makeup, blah clothes, and it is because I waited until she woke me up and I could never find the time in the day to get fully dressed. I always feel better if I even just put on mascara. Something. 

3. If your budget can afford it, go get lunch at your favorite spot. This past year, I have gotten over my fear of eating alone. Saying, "Table for one and a highchair" is no big deal and it can be nice just eating. We went to Whole Foods yesterday and had a great time. After we ate we strolled around the store looking at everything, it felt great just to walk around somewhere new (not Target). Anytime we go out to eat with the baby, I always bring a small snack for her and get the check right after they bring the food. That way, if Delilah decides to throw everything off the table and loose her shit, I don't have to wait for the check. 

There was another mom eating with her daughter next to us, that other baby and Delilah had a great time laughing at each other ;)

4. Look for children's stores, libraries, toy stores, book stores, for free story times. I always look on Sunday to see what is going on that week at our favorite spots and write it on the calendar. Most places have calendars on their website, you can look there. Sometimes we go, sometimes we don't. Depends on naps most of the time, but it nice knowing that we can go get out for 30 minutes and Delilah can socialize a bit!

5. Look for The Little Gym or Heartsong Music. I am sure there are other places like these, but I only have experience with these two. They are always offering a free class or demo class, do it! Go! You will have so much fun and so will your baby! I enrolled Delilah in The Little Gym, 3 weeks for $39. I am not sure what the rate is for the semester, if we can afford it, I will definitely enroll her, if not, I will wait for another special ;) Heartsong Music is one of Delilah's favorite places. They have them worldwide and totally worth the money. We still use the CD from the first class she went to, it immediately calms her down in the car. Lifesaver. But before their semesters start, they always have a demo week where you can try a class for free!

6. If nothing is going on in your area, find a child friendly store, and let the itty bitty have at it! We go to Barnes and Noble, toy stores, and Target. I let her walk around and explore and she loves it! It is also nice because these places have AC, so freakin hot outside! Most toy stores, which there are quite a bit in Austin, have play areas. Look for these!

Helping Mom push the cart!

7. Turn off the TV. We got rid of cable about 9 months ago, and for us it was the best decision. I am not saying you should be as dramatic, but cut the TV off one day and see if it changes your day a bit. My life seemed like it was controlled by what shows were on and it was making me miserable. Just try it, at least for a couple hours!

8. Well if there is no TV, its too quiet, you say? Well, put on some music. Give the baby some straws or measuring spoons or something new from the kitchen, put on some of your favorite music, open the blinds and let some sun in! You might catch yourself dancing around in circles with your baby smiling, while she is laughing! 

9. Do something you enjoy doing, if it is only once a week. Cook a new dish (I have been so uninspired, still, when it comes to cooking. I will hopefully get back my groove and make some Itty Bitty food.), make a pillow, read a magazine, yoga, or if you are like me, reorganize. I don't know why, but I love redoing the house. I am in here 89% of the day, it gets boring looking at the same things. So I move shit around, all the time. Monday, I reorganized Delilah's shelves, felt great! But seriously, do something for you, no matter how big or small. 

10. Finally, once the baby is asleep and you made it through the day, yay! Make yourself a drink and relax, or paint your fingernails, or eat a piece of cake. You are great and doing an awesome job raising your baby. It is tough but you are doing it! If you are looking at other people thinking, "They make it look so easy, they are always going somewhere, I bet they don't have days like mine." Stop it. Because, everyone has tough days and babies who won't stop crying or go to sleep. Days where their hair is tangled and they are still in their PJs. Days where they feel like the house is caving in on them. And you have days where you just laugh and are so thankful you get to be home with your baby. Moments captured by a camera, where another mom some where is thinking, "They make it look so easy, they are always going somewhere, I bet they don't have days like mine."

On that note, it is Friday! Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Noosa Giveaway *CLOSED*

I have never really been a fan of yogurt. I mean, its ok but never something I bought or really wanted if I was hungry. Until, Noosa.

This stuff is good! Like, really, really good! Well they want you to try it! I am giving away one free Noosa yogurt and hopefully you will love it as much as we do! Our favorites are the Blueberry and Raspberry, but they come in a ton of different flavors!

I would hold off on feeding it to a baby under one, due to the fact that there is honey in there. But Delilah loves it and it has become her before bed snack!

They tell you where all the ingredients come from, so you don't have to worry about that. Take a look at their website for more information. They just came out with two new flavors: coconut and pineapple!

Leave a comment about your favorite snack for baby and the winner will be chosen at random, Friday, August 22nd.

G'Day Mates!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad!

I have had a plant for about 5 years, a desert rose. I got this from an antique fair and it was a couple inches tall. We have babied this plant and watched it grow throughout the years, but it has never bloomed. Until last week!

Just when I needed a little sunshine in my life, it bloomed. And just when I needed to laugh and have family around, this weekend happened!

Oh and just when I needed a little help around the house, this happened:

Delilah and the Swiffer.

What a week! This weekend we had such a good time, my mom and dad came into town for my dad's birthday and we made a delicious meal! No pictures, there was no time! My niece and nephew also were here to visit entertain Delilah.

This baby loves purses!

We got Delilah's one year pictures taken and even though I was skeptical, they turned out so good! As soon as I get the copies, you better bet your bottom dollars I will be posting them ;) She did really good considering how hot it was and all of the distractions. You will never see a woman act more out of her mind then when you watch her try and make her baby smile for pictures! And we probably listened to Katy Perry's Roar about 53 times! 

Byron went out of town to do work at his parents house, but got a little quality time in before he left.

These two :)

We made some yummy donuts one morning. With my mom's iced tea of course ;)

To make these, you get biscuits and cut out the middle, I used a shot glass, it made for perfect donut holes. You heat up 1/4 inch of oil and fry until golden brown. Dip them in melted butter and roll in cinnamon sugar or powdered sugar. So good!

We tested out the new water park in our area, Delilah loved the lazy river! 

My dad got here Saturday morning and me and my mom got to cooking. Ribeyes, mashed potatoes, green beans, and hollandaise sauce. Oh and golden beets, that only me, my mom, and Delilah ate!

His birthday dinner was finished off with yellow cake and fudge frosting!

Everyone left pretty early Sunday, my dad had to work and the kids needed to get ready for school. I already miss having everyone here, it is really hard to not have family close, but at least everyone got to visit. Delilah woke up this morning expecting to see everyone in the living room, needless to say, she was a little disappointed once she realized it was just her and me and 3 loads of laundry. 

It was a great weekend! Happy Birthday to the greatest man I know, who I proudly get to call Dad, I love you so much!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Finding the Silver Lining

I try and stay optimistic about life, and for the most part I am successful. However, there are some days where I feel like I am doing something wrong and the universe is paying me back and nothing seems to go the way I want it to. 

I have a real problem with getting excited about things. I don't usually get excited about a trip until I am en route, or excited about a job interview until I get the "You are Hired" call. Which is the subject of this post.

I have put in hundreds of applications in the past 5 years of my life, have probably had around 5 interviews, and landed 1 job. I know that is the case for everybody, but I am finding it even more difficult now that I have a baby. When I was working in sales, I interviewed internally for a position that my manger said I would be perfect for, since sales wasn't really working out for me. 

*Excuse me while I kiss Delilah's head to make me feel better*

Anyways, went through the interview, really hit it off with the manager who would be my potential boss and my own manager said it went great. Well a week later, I still had not heard anything, so I asked my manager what was going on. He brought me into a conference room, and said that I did not get the position, due to the fact that "I didn't seem excited about the position." Why they didn't tell me sooner I will never know. I spent that entire week wondering what was going on, common courtesy people. Well at the time of the interview, I was 6 months pregnant with Delilah. As soon as my manager told me I didn't get the job, I just looked blankly at him, tears starting to well up, and just pointed to my ever growing belly, which I could not disguise any longer. 

My boss and I both know that was the reason I was not hired. 

I have been so lucky to be able to stay home with Delilah for her first year, but I am ready to work and help things here financially, and selfishly, get a break from the ups and downs of being a stay at home mom. Mothers Day Out programs are just not in the budget right now. This is proving so difficult. And at times unbearable. I am trying not to get discouraged, but that is difficult too.

*Excuse me while I try and figure out why Delilah is screaming and crying*

We have been planning a trip to New York to visit my brother, who I have not seen in over a year. I am so excited because the flight is booked and we are going to get to see him in less than 3 weeks! When my parents and older brother, we are visiting my younger brother :), were deciding dates, I of course could go whenever, one of the pluses of being at home. Well, I was online and found out a store that I have wanted to work at since I found out it was in existence, was hiring! As soon as I saw that, I immediately got that fluttery feeling, excitement I suppose, and applied. A couple days later got the call for an interview, and a few days after that, had an amazing interview! I told myself I wasn't going to bring up the trip to New York unless the opportunity presented itself, it did, and I believe in full disclosure and I wasn't going to be anything but honest. Well, I didn't hear anything and then got the email. The email that just made my stomach turn and after a follow up email and further conversation, learned that it was the fact that my trip to New York was just bad timing. Go f*ing figure. 

*Sorry for the interruption, Delilah just pooped*

Time for the silver lining: Even though I am crushed because I did not get the position, I will still shop at that store and will apply again if they ever have an opening. We will figure out how to make it work financially for me to have a part time position. My brothers, parents, and I will have a blast in New York. I will probably come back weighing 25 more pounds and broke. My goal is to check out some of their baby stores to see what is out there! My husband will meet us when we get back from our trip, and I will have someone that is genuinely so happy to see me and Delilah...

* 15 minutes later... I had to put Delilah down for a nap, that is why she was screaming and crying, she had to poop and was tired*

My parents are coming in this weekend so we can celebrate my Dad's birthday. So excited about that!  I have made it a goal to do at least 30 minutes of yoga a day, which Delilah thinks is hilarious to watch. (Check out Yoga with Adriene on youtube, she has really great videos. Here is her webpage.) And finally, this came in the mail yesterday:

Find it here.

Oh and one last thing. If you live in the Austin area, go outside, it is beautiful. I had to put on a light jacket on our morning walk!

I hope everyone has a great day and can find the silver lining when things are looking a little dark and cloudy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Favorite Things: Freshly Picked Moccasins

The moment Delilah started walking, I knew exactly what shoes I wanted to get her. We started her off with these Stride Rite walker shoes and those were great and she still wears them on occasion. I loved the flower!

I have had my eye on these moccasins since before she was born, but with the hefty price tag, I wanted her to be walking before I made the investment. Fast forward an entire year, her Granny bought her first pair of Freshly Picked moccasins and I am in love. 

One of the hardest parts of buying these shoes was picking out which ones to get, they have so many cute colors and patterns, we decided on the Heirloom since I am loving gold and polkadots right now. 

Delilah has what the doctor called a "curly toe" on both feet. It is not a big deal, just one of her toes goes underneath the other. It is something that will work itself out with time. So she recommended Delilah have shoes that are not too tight, and these fit the bill! There is so much space in there, so even babies with super wide feet won't have a problem. 

The are made of leather and are so soft. I was worried about her slipping, since there isn't any traction on the bottom, but we have not had one problem. She gets it and runs around here full speed and they grip just fine. 

I am thinking that I maybe should have treated them before she wore them, we had a blueberry mishap, so one part of the fringe is blue, but you can barely noticed and it is working itself out. 

I took her outside and she played around and the hot cement didn't seem to bother her, another one of my worries. It's hot! We even went to an indoor play house where socks are required, and she was able to wear her moccasins because they are so soft!

We get so many compliments when we are out and I swear Delilah gets a little extra sassy when she has them on. 

See what I mean?

If these things didn't cost an arm and a leg, the only drawback, she would have every single color they make, but I am going to have to be selective since she will have only one or two pair at a time.

If you go like their Facebook page, you may just be a lucky winner on what seems to be monthly giveaways. Could you imagine, $200 worth of these shoes! Ok!

They are also super easy to slip on! And as soon as I get them out, Delilah gets so excited!

There is the sass again ;)

When they come in the mail, which is such an exciting day, they come in a super cute bag and include  stickers. The stickers were perfect for Delilah's kitchen, I think they add such a cute element. We love this kitchen set and all of the accessories, by the way :) I will just have to get her another pair of moccasins so we can get more stickers ;)

Freshly Picked Moccasins are one one of our favorite things!

On an unrelated note. My daughter has figured out how to take the cover off of the power outlets. It is now happening daily. So now, we have exposed power outlets and a choking hazard. Not sure what to do about this one. Just when I thought the house was completely baby proof, Delilah reminds me that her curiosity will out wit me, and baby proofing any day. 

 Please note, I am not paid to review any of these items, and that everything I say is my own opinion.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Weekend Recap

Lately, it is very strange when we have a free weekend. We have been so busy it seems, so this weekend we spent a lot of time just sitting around staring at each other, thinking about what we were going to do. Delilah was feeling spunky and I quickly determined that we are going to have to start planning little adventures on those few, free weekends that we do have. 

Byron spent the majority of the weekend playing Diablo and trying to get a gecko out of the house. I remember those days, before we lived together, when I was in an apartment in downtown San Marcos. I loved that place, and wish I had taken more pictures of it. My memories will just have to do! Well, in central Texas there is a time of year where crickets take over everything. It. Is. Disgusting. They are loud and jump anytime you try to catch them. And lord help me if one would have flown in my hair. Well, when there would be some in my apartment, I would grab a couple bowls and quickly plop one down over the cricket. Worked like a charm! Then, when Byron would come over, he would do the dirty work. It was so funny the first time he saw what was going on, he just asked "Why do you have 5 bowls on your living room floor?" Well Byron, I am so glad you asked ;)

We took Delilah to a park in Georgetown and had fun looking at all of the pecan trees and the little creek with the fish. She wasn't too interested in the playscape so we just walked around for a bit and when her face was beet red, decided it was time to go. We have a new BBQ place down the road and decided to try it out. It was really good! I love how Delilah loves BBQ! And mac and cheese :)

Baby relax time. The 3rd time Delilah has ever cuddled. ;)

Delilah is officially waving at everybody. And everything for that matter. It initially started with her Papa, and now a person can't walk by without Delilah excitedly waving her hands around. When I go in to get her from a nap, that is the first thing she does, wave hi.

Her jibber jabber is also cracking me up. "Dobe daaaa do." That is one of my favorites. Watching her try and communicate is priceless.

Music is lighting up her life, her favorite is at dinner time when we are all watching her. She will start clicking her mouth the bang on the table like a drum. Her Dad soon joins with singing or clapping and the I start chiming in and dancing around. Family band? I think so.

Look at this plant go!

When you have read Five Silly Monkeys so many times you can read it without looking while trying to get a picture of Delilah's face in a monkey.

All in all it was a successful weekend! I hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Things I have Learned this Week & Delilah's First Curl

It has ben a while since I posted about Delilah. She has finally gotten over the cold that she had, and then....the husband got it. We have been knee deep in Kleenex around here, and I have somehow avoided the cold. I am going to say that it was the Zicam and Cold Calm that really pulled through for me this time. These past couple of weeks you could catch Byron walking around with Kleenex, scaring Delilah every time he sneezed and blew his nose, me dissolving tablets in my mouth, trying not to drink anything for 15 minutes at a time, and Delilah walking around jibber jabbering about who knows what. 

I have learned a lot these past couple of weeks, and yes, I will be glad to share some them with you ;)

1. Having a sick baby is the worst. I will know for next time to stock up on movies I haven't gotten to see the past two years, maybe start a journal, and make enough food for dinner for a week. Trying to juggle cooking and a sick baby is like a circus, a very bad, I don't ever want to do it again circus.

2. Having a sick husband is equally, if not more horrible, than having a sick baby. I found myself loosing patience with Byron every time he asked me where the Afrin was. In the same place it was the last time you used it, nearly shaking the house down coughing, scaring our baby, and not putting it back where it is supposed to be in the first place. Next time, I will get all of the medicine he will need and put it in a basket, next to the bed, with a sign that reads "You can only talk to me about being sick if it is an absolute emergency. Everything you need is in this basket."

3. Giving Delilah a box of straws was the best thing I have ever done. She kept busy (and quiet) for 15 minutes. I had dinner almost completely done before the silence was interrupted by me cussing out the rice and Delilah getting her hand stuck in the cabinet. Straws. Do it.

4. Not to worry about the mess in the living room, caused by the baby tornado, the mess at the kitchen table, caused by baby Nolan Ryan (Yes, that is how out of date I am with my baseball reference), or the pile of clothes that needs to be put away, and spending just 30 minutes with my husband, made for a great night. 

5. A mom has no time to be sick. And thank goodness this cold graciously decided not to ruin my day.

6. A mom may never have a clean set of clothes one, despite all of her measures. Same applies with baby.

7. Sometimes, putting on Baby Einstein during the Shit Show hours, is ok and needed, to ensure mental soundness of the mother.

8. Yes, that is shit on my pinky finger, and no, it won't be the last time some bodily fluid lands on my body. Thank you Bath & Body Works for your wonderfully smelling soap. If you don't already, buy yourself some soap, they always have a deal going on and for a moment, just a small moment, when you are washing your hands, you will smell a lovely smell and you will take a nosevacation.

9. You have to eat! I have found myself this week not feeling very good and super run down. I realized that yesterday, I only had 1/2 a sandwich. Then it dawned on me, "Sarah, you are f*ing hungry. Pull it together."

10. Having a one year old it the funniest thing in the whole wide world. I love dinner time when we are all sitting together and Delilah quickly becomes the life of the party. She is so funny and this age is awesome. Tough. And nearly impossible at times. But awesome. And hilarious. Have I mentioned she is funny? Her laugh gets me every time, so sweet.

11. Shopping has never been more fun than now. I love shopping for her, even though sometimes I look around and think about all of the things I have not bought for myself. However, Delilah is the proud owner of katarina and I can not wait until it comes in the mail!

12. Deflection. I have been trying this when Delilah decides to freak out and scream when she can't do something she wants. It's been working great, but Im sure once she figures out what I'm doing, game over. But, until then, LOOK! Squirrel!

13. One nap is not all that bad! She is still transitioning and I never know if she is going to take one nap or two, but I have to say that I think Im going to like it! It is so much easier getting her down for one nap, and on those days that I once dreaded, when she takes only one, getting her to bed is a piece of cake. I probably just screwed up everything typing this, but it is something I am looking forward to now.

I love how she is starting to play so well by herself, she sat like his for a good 5 minutes. So proud of herself.

Loved. The. Straws.

Let's go Byebye!

And you better let me get there by myself. So independent!

I got this rocker out to give it away, she loves it! 

Im not sure you can see it, but if you look closely on the top of her head, you will see her very first curl! It took me about 345 tries to get a picture, so this is the best out of the bunch. But this is a very special day for my bubblehead (bald) baby!


Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

World Breastfeeding Week

As World Breastfeeding Week comes to an end, I felt it necessary to write a post about it. I have had a love hate relationship with breastfeeding Delilah, and it still can be a struggle, even after a year of nursing. It has been one of the biggest accomplishments of my life and I am proud to be apart of such a great message.

I try and stay pretty connected to what is going on in Austin, in regards to baby. I was reading a post on Keep Austin NIP, and she mentioned that a photographer was doing a breastfeeding awareness project and needed moms who were willing to nurse in public while being photographed. I immediately knew I wanted to be apart of this, and had no idea of the exposure it was going to get. We went and it was so great being surrounded by other moms who have had the same struggles and who have overcome the obstacles that breastfeeding can have. Everyone was so happy to be nursing together. This project has over 50 participating photographers from all over the world. Amazing.

Leilani Rogers is the photographer behind the project #PBAP2014. She is amazing and has received recognition for being so. If you have a minute, check out her work, you may or may not need some kleenex and you may or may not start wanting another baby ;)

With such a public project, with a subject matter that can make a few people very uncomfortable, you can bet that there are some negative views about this. And yes, I am about to step on the soap box.

To me, this project is about normalizing breastfeeding, making it the norm, not about "you are a bad mother if you can't breastfeed". I understand that moms who formula feed often feel guilty about not breastfeeding, that is not the point and those mommas need support too. Hell, we all need support and a back rub! World Breastfeeding Week is a platform for amazing and courageous women, like Leilani and all of the mothers who breastfeed, to get together and feel the support that is sometimes missing from our society. I know I have had my own less-than-pleasant experiences with breastfeeding in public. If anything, it is a feeling you get when you are being watched by 22 different eyes, it makes you uncomfortable.

The goal is to get to a point where breastfeeding and bottle feeding get the same reaction when we are out in public, that reaction should be nothing. No one bats and eye when a mom is feeding her baby with a bottle, maybe a sweet smile because a baby eating is so cute, and the same should apply for a breastfeeding momma. She is feeding her baby, it is not different and should spark no other reaction. The whole idea, you should cover up, go to the bathroom, find somewhere to sit, do that at home, no one wants to see that, is absolutely ridiculous. Why does that mother have to jump through hoops, that these people have set up, just to feed her baby? Would they want to eat in a public bathroom, don't think so. To me, that is what this week is trying to accomplish, normalize breastfeeding so a mother can go on about her day without weird looks, feeling like she is doing something wrong when her baby wants to eat, or sitting on a nasty toilet to nurse. 

I have also come across big baby stores and some museums that have nursing rooms. I appreciate the acknowledgment of a mother needing to nurse her baby while shopping or out an about, but it implies you should nurse in here and not out there. Once again, like you are doing something wrong if you decided to nurse out there. Maybe it is my own insecurity, but that is how it makes me feel. Why can't I feed my baby while I shop, like I want to make the trip last any longer than it needs to. I love how this store has made it ok and welcomed to nurse your baby. Something so simple, honestly takes so much of the pressure away. Like we need anything else to worry about. You know, about 47% of the time I have no idea where my wallet is, and I probably loose my phone 8 times a day. And, sitting in those nursing rooms only gives you that much more time to forget what you were at the store for, to begin with. Hello mommy brain!

I promise, the mother who is out and needs to breastfeed her baby is not intending on making the public uncomfortable, nor is she trying to flash boob in the store, she is trying to hurry up and feed her baby so a major freak out/shit show doesn't happen and everyone can peacefully continue doing whatever it is they are doing.

Before I had Delilah, I had no idea what breastfeeding meant and how difficult it was. I will be the first person to admit, I was very judgmental. But now I know how wrong I was and after getting educated and going through it first hand, I know how important it is to support a mother breastfeeding. If anything, just go about your day like nothing out of the ordinary is going on, because you know what, nothing out of the ordinary is going on. 

In a perfect world, no mother would feel guilty about how she feeds her baby. There are so many other things we should be worried about, feeling guilty about bottle feeding or breastfeeding is not one of them. Like my mom always says, "Once you give birth to a baby, you give birth to guilt." That is oh so true. 

I am so glad to be apart of this, it is something that I feel very strongly about. If the world is exposed to breastfeeding and sees it all the time, it will hopefully be excepted in public and we can all get on with our lives! Start worrying about the chemicals found in a majority of the food we eat, the extreme amount of waste that is produced on our planet, the fact that many American children are hungry right now, or where they moved the sheets at Target. 

Ok, so that last comment went a little overboard. 
Happy feeding your baby! Mine is about to loose her shit right now, so off I go...