Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Favorite Things: Book Edition

As soon as I found out I was pregnant one of the first things I thought about was, no more late night wine induced dance parties. The second thing I thought about was, lotion, must get a ton of lotion. The third thing was excitement about all of the books I knew I wanted to get. Ok, there were a few other thoughts in there but the later has really stuck. I love all of the books available for little children, I always have a running list of the thousand and one books I want to get. And I never pass up a cute book when we are out and about.  As of right now, we are staying away from wordy books, we have some, but she is not interested yet and gets a little wiggly when I read them to her. Here is a list of our One Year Favorite Books!

1. "Five Silly Monkeys" - We have probably read this book about 814 times, Delilah loves the rhythmic phrasing and dances every time we read it. The anticipation of the last page, "Nobody said anything about jumping on the couch" gets her every time. If anyone saw me reading this book to her, they would be convinced a crazy person took over, but hey, she loooooves it!

2. "Five Little Ladybugs" - This book has the same rhythmic patterns as "Five Silly Monkeys" but this is one of the books we read before bed, so I keep it mellow. It is such a sweet little story and we love how the last, lonely ladybug finds her home. Sorry for the spoiler ;)

3. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" - From day one this was a hit. I think the bold colors really grab her attention. I have gotten a little bored with the words, I sometimes have red birds and black sheep dance in my dreams, so we have started adding the animal sounds. Of course the rhythm in this book is a hit as well.

4. "Bath Time" - This is a book that stays in the bath, thanks to the plastic cover and soft pages. There is a surprise squeak at the end, that Delilah thinks is hilarious. Once again, I look like a crazy person reading this to her, but she loves it. I, no joke, read this to her 8 times last night in the bath. It never got old. Ever.

5. "123 Texas" - Living in a state with so much state pride, means Texas everything. So you better believe we have a few Texas books laying around. This book is very simple yet has vivid colors and we always count the objects on every page. Everytime. Every single object. 

6. "Toes Ears & Nose!" - This is the cutest book! It is a flip up book and we have sadly lost a few flip ups, but the story remains the same, nonetheless. She is getting interested in pointing out body parts, so this book helps with identifying all of the cute, cuddly parts!

7. "Flora and the Flamingo" - This is a beautiful book, so I don't let the destructo baby play with it like the others. Byron loves making up stories when he reads to Delilah, and this book is perfect for those two. It is a flip up book with no words, so the story is up to you!

8. "Alice in Wonderland" Little Master Carroll - Delilah loves the pictures on this book, she always points at it as we read it. A bedtime favorite!

9. "ABC Amazing Alphabet Book" - I love this book. It is so fun to read! You really can't go wrong with Dr. Seuss :)

So our favorite list ends here at 9 for right now. We have a running list like I mentioned before, and I can't wait to add these to Delilah's little library.

1. "The Hardworking Honeybee"
2. "Goodnight Austin"
3. "The Wide-Mouthed Frog"
**4."How Many Bugs in a Box" - This is a MUST have book, Delilah gets so excited when we read it. She rolls her little hands together in excitement ;)
5. "Yoga Pretzels"
6. "Flo and Wendell"
7. "The Cat at Night"

What books can your little babies not get enough of?


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