Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Favorite Things: 19 Months Old

Happy Wednesday!

Why do I seem so extra cheery today, you ask? Well it is Wednesday, which means we are 2 days closer to Spring Break!

I was called out of work earlier on Monday, Delilah had another fever. Not exactly sure what this one was about, I know she looked terrible, but after some medicine and a little TLC, she got back to her usual self and the fever was gone within a day. 

My husband is still sick. Delilah had her random fever. The weather has been doom and gloom. And for me. I am just trying not to loose my marbles and keep this ship floating. 

Look at me go.

I wanted to do a bit of an update of some of our favorite things. Delilah is changing by the minute and is growing into such a little girl, it has been really fun, and at times almost impossible, but we take each day at a time, meltdowns, messes, and kisses oh my!

She is starting to say small sentences, and today, actually told me "No! Mine!" when I asked her to give me a Raisinet. 

Up until this very moment, she didn't even like Raisinets. Interesting.

It was Go Texan day at her school, these are the pictures I could manage to get this morning.

She is just so cute, I almost forget what a little terror she can be. Almost.

We went to a Signing Connection class and she was having so much fun she could barely stand it, and the added bonus of the bubbles mixed with a tired, getting over a fever, toddler made for an interesting goodbye. And you all know, that by interesting, I mean whyinhelldoIeverleavemyhouse, body throwing, screaming, hitting me in the face, goodbye. One lady even looked at me, while she was pushing her sweet little quiet newborn, and said, "Well happy Tuesday to you."


I didn't know whether to throw my freakishly mad child at her or sit on the ground and cry with Delilah.

Just you wait lady. You may think your child will never act like that, oh but they will. Oh yes. They will.

(I know this because I actually had the thought in my mind, a few times, on our little outings about how well behaved Delilah was and we, I guess, just missed the tantrum phase. That's funny.)

Let's get to it!

Yoga Pretzels// Delilah is loving doing anything I am doing. These cards are a great way to interact with your little one and get some exercise in for yourself! I am excited as she gets older, she will really be able to get the moves down. As for now, the cards make for great throwing objects and taking them out and putting them in, one-by-one-by-one-by-one, is just as entertaining as the cute themes and pictures ;)

Freshly Picked Moccasins// We LOVE these shoes. The price tag is a little overwhelming  but they are great and so worth it. Delilah prefers these shoes over any other, and I have to say, I am with her on this one. They fit her well and she can wear them for months because of how flexible they are. I had to retire a couple of her other shoes because she outgrew them, and we only had them for 4 weeks, tops. She is still wearing the camo moccs, from 4-5 months ago! Enough said.

Ikea LATT Table// This was one of Delilah's Christmas presents and she has literally used it everyday. To eat, draw, spill water on, plank on, you name it, this table has been through it. The price is amazing and you can paint it to match anything. We put a dowel underneath the table with a paper roll so she always has a paper supply. It has been an essential in Delilah's World.

Little People// Delilah is starting to have quite the imagination. This little cottage is great for her to pretend with. We also bought the Little People Disney Princesses for her and she calls them all baby, talks to them, tells them "no", and they were even lucky enough to get a bath tonight.

Rocking Chair// We have a little nook in Delilah's room with her books and stuffed animals and this rocking chair. Her Granny bought it for her and she just loves it. I think it is important for them to have their own little spots and Delilah spends a lot of time "rocky rocky" in that chair while she is 'reading' books to herself.

Shirt// This shirt makes me laugh anytime Delilah wears it. Ain' that the truth.

Pea Crisps// We have backups of these. Peatohs.

There you have it! A few of Delilah's favorite things at 19 months old.

I did not include, but should not be forgotten about:
Booka (her blanket)
Flip up Books
Meghan Trainor
Sesame Street
the iPad Mini 
any form of anyone singing: Wheels on the Bus, Ring Around the Rosey, Row Row, Twinkle Twinkle, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and Baa Baa Black Sheep

I cannot wait for nicer weather and see what kind of fun we can get into outside. It will be a mess. A hot, hot mess, whatever it will be. 


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