The past couple of weeks have been a little interesting around here. I don't have anything to plan, crafts to make, or things to fill up our day. Delilah is getting to an age where staying in the living room causes trouble and boredom and too many extra nursing sessions.
The walls are starting to close in on us over here.
It is not in our budget to have weekly classes or Mothers Day Out, so I have been trying to get creative. Unfortunately, we don't have any family close by and the friends that I have are so busy, it is hard to find a coordinating time between errands, work, and naps to get together. A few fails, a few wins. Here is a list of things to do, to help when you have the Stay at Home Mom Blues.
1. Go Outside! The baby loves it regardless of the weather. If it is melting hot, find shade. If it is raining, get an umbrella. If it is cold, get bundled up. Yesterday, we went to the neighborhood park when we were about to go crazy, and just being there for 15 minutes made my day better and Delilah was in a better mood. I also make it a goal to walk around the block every morning, before it is too hot.
Water and a paintbrush! Loved it!
2. Try and get up before baby. I know this is difficult, especially when baby has woken up a number of times. But getting a head start makes the day go so much smoother. Get dressed, put on make up, do your hair, unload the dishwasher. Whatever it is, try and get it done before the baby wakes up. I have been in a rut this week, no makeup, blah clothes, and it is because I waited until she woke me up and I could never find the time in the day to get fully dressed. I always feel better if I even just put on mascara. Something.
3. If your budget can afford it, go get lunch at your favorite spot. This past year, I have gotten over my fear of eating alone. Saying, "Table for one and a highchair" is no big deal and it can be nice just eating. We went to Whole Foods yesterday and had a great time. After we ate we strolled around the store looking at everything, it felt great just to walk around somewhere new (not Target). Anytime we go out to eat with the baby, I always bring a small snack for her and get the check right after they bring the food. That way, if Delilah decides to throw everything off the table and loose her shit, I don't have to wait for the check.
There was another mom eating with her daughter next to us, that other baby and Delilah had a great time laughing at each other ;)
4. Look for children's stores, libraries, toy stores, book stores, for free story times. I always look on Sunday to see what is going on that week at our favorite spots and write it on the calendar. Most places have calendars on their website, you can look there. Sometimes we go, sometimes we don't. Depends on naps most of the time, but it nice knowing that we can go get out for 30 minutes and Delilah can socialize a bit!
5. Look for
The Little Gym or
Heartsong Music. I am sure there are other places like these, but I only have experience with these two. They are always offering a free class or demo class, do it! Go! You will have so much fun and so will your baby! I enrolled Delilah in The Little Gym, 3 weeks for $39. I am not sure what the rate is for the semester, if we can afford it, I will definitely enroll her, if not, I will wait for another special ;) Heartsong Music is one of Delilah's favorite places. They have them worldwide and totally worth the money. We still use the CD from the first class she went to, it immediately calms her down in the car. Lifesaver. But before their semesters start, they always have a demo week where you can try a class for free!
6. If nothing is going on in your area, find a child friendly store, and let the itty bitty have at it! We go to Barnes and Noble, toy stores, and Target. I let her walk around and explore and she loves it! It is also nice because these places have AC, so freakin hot outside! Most toy stores, which there are quite a bit in Austin, have play areas. Look for these!
Helping Mom push the cart!
7. Turn off the TV. We got rid of cable about 9 months ago, and for us it was the best decision. I am not saying you should be as dramatic, but cut the TV off one day and see if it changes your day a bit. My life seemed like it was controlled by what shows were on and it was making me miserable. Just try it, at least for a couple hours!
8. Well if there is no TV, its too quiet, you say? Well, put on some music. Give the baby some straws or measuring spoons or something new from the kitchen, put on some of your favorite music, open the blinds and let some sun in! You might catch yourself dancing around in circles with your baby smiling, while she is laughing!
9. Do something you enjoy doing, if it is only once a week. Cook a new dish (I have been so uninspired, still, when it comes to cooking. I will hopefully get back my groove and make some Itty Bitty food.), make a pillow, read a magazine, yoga, or if you are like me, reorganize. I don't know why, but I love redoing the house. I am in here 89% of the day, it gets boring looking at the same things. So I move shit around, all the time. Monday, I reorganized Delilah's shelves, felt great! But seriously, do something for you, no matter how big or small.
10. Finally, once the baby is asleep and you made it through the day, yay! Make yourself a drink and relax, or paint your fingernails, or eat a piece of cake. You are great and doing an awesome job raising your baby. It is tough but you are doing it! If you are looking at other people thinking, "They make it look so easy, they are always going somewhere, I bet they don't have days like mine." Stop it. Because, everyone has tough days and babies who won't stop crying or go to sleep. Days where their hair is tangled and they are still in their PJs. Days where they feel like the house is caving in on them. And you have days where you just laugh and are so thankful you get to be home with your baby. Moments captured by a camera, where another mom some where is thinking, "They make it look so easy, they are always going somewhere, I bet they don't have days like mine."
On that note, it is Friday! Have a great day!