Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Food for your Itty Bitty: Breakfast Edition

Breakfast during the week is usually pretty much the same, only with a few variations. There is always a banana, a berry, and something with substance. Here are some examples:

Bananas, blueberries, and oatmeal made with milk, swirled with 1/2 a fruit pouch.
(I feed her oatmeal first and then let her feed herself the bananas and blueberries. I will also try and slip in a few spoonfuls of oatmeal while she's feeding herself to make sure she gets enough.)

Cottage cheese with applesauce, blueberries, and bananas.
(Delilah wanted to feed herself this morning, it took forever. Picking up each. And every. Single. One. Of the cheese curds. Ridiculous.)

Blueberry Buckwheat Waffle, blueberries, and YoBaby Yogurt.
(We don't follow a gluten free diet, but I try to go the healthier route when I can. Central Market makes the best buckwheat waffle that happen to be Gluten Free, so good! Delilah probably eats about 2 of these yogurts a day, and they are the only food she lets me feed her with no resistance.)
**Update: Delilah no longer likes having me feed her the yogurt, as you can imagine, this makes for a complete mess, two times a day. 

As you can see, bananas are a staple. You would think having a banana every, single morning would get boring. Nope. Not a chance! 

Depending on the weekends and what we have planned, I will sometimes make french toast or breakfast tacos. I will post recipes on those soon. Watching Delilah try bacon for the first time was probably one of the cutest moments ever! 

Have a good day and may you have the strength to feed your resistant, strong-willed child.

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